Professional & Continuing Studies

Terms of Service - GLLC


Types of Learning

There are many different ways to learn. Please see descriptions of the different delivery models used by Professional and Continuing Studies on the Types of Learning page.

Delivery Limitations

RRU reserves the right to limit enrolment in programs or courses, and to cancel or postpone courses for which enrolment or resources are insufficient. Students will be notified of course cancellations or postponements using the registration contact information. RRU will not be liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that such limitations, cancellations or postponements may cause.

Fees and Other Charges

RRU reserves the right to alter the fees and other charges described in the calendar and on the website. RRU will not be liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that such changes might cause.

Grade Appeals

RRU is committed to the success of our students. All efforts are made to ensure evaluation criteria are clearly explained and that students receive feedback from their instructor as to their grades. Before launching a formal appeal, a student should make every effort to resolve the issue with the instructor(s). If the matter is not resolved with the instructor, the student may request a formal appeal in writing, and within 5 business days of the instructors’ decision, to the respective program office.

GST/PST Requirements and Exemptions

Courses that qualify for tax exemption pursuant to CRA policy must: lead to a credited certificate or diploma, relate to the practice or performance of a vocation, and attest to the competence of the student to practice that vocation using a pass/fail standard. All other courses will be subject to applicable taxes.

If you or your company are tax exempt, we require a statement requesting exemption on company letterhead to accompany your registration and payment.

Regulations and Policies

In registering for study, the student assumes certain responsibilities to the University and, if registered, shall be subject to all University rules, regulations and policies for students as amended from time to time. We reserve the right to deny any registration where appropriate.

Technology Requirements

For technology-related information about preparing to learn online, please refer to RRU’s Computer requirements for online learning. Some email applications may move messages from RRU to your junk mail folder. Including "" in your list of accepted domains may prevent this.

Student Requirements

To join GLLC English language programs, students must be at least 17 years old by the start of the program and meet our English language requirements (minimum IELTS 4.5 equivalency).


Each term of study is considered a “program”. GLLC English language programs are four (4) or twelve (12) weeks in length, unless otherwise stated in the schedule of programs and fees. The refund policy applies to each program in which a student is registered. The non-refundable deposit is applied to the first program of study if a student is registered for more than one term of study.

Program Changes (by the student)

If a student wishes to change programs, they must submit the request in writing to the GLLC prior to the program start. If the tuition for the new program is higher, the student will be required to pay the difference. If the tuition for the new program is lower, the student will receive a refund based on the GLLC refund policy.

Placement and Late Arrival

All students in GLLC on-campus programs must complete a placement test on the first day of their program, which determines level placement.

All students are expected to be present for the first day of their program. If a student is unable to arrive on time, they must notify the GLLC before the course start date. If a student arrives late, the GLLC cannot guarantee that they will be placed in the appropriate level, as it may be full.

Registration and Payment

More details coming soon!

Medical Insurance

All students registered in GLLC programs on campus are required to provide proof of medical insurance for the duration of their studies. The GLLC accepts one of the following basic medical insurance plans:

  • insurance
  • Medical Services Plan of BC (MSP)


Contact us

Global Learning & Language Centre

Login to submit an online inquiry to record this communication on your student record and allow us to respond faster:
Course Inquiry, Certificate Inquiry, or General Inquiry.

If you do not want to login or create an account,
you may send your query via Email



Our advisors are here to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need, including:

  • Program details
  • Admission requirements and the application process
  • Campus and student services
  • How to prepare for your studies at Royal Roads
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